NO BOX DELIVERIES OR PICK UPS 1st & 8th MAY as Phil and Jenny will be overseas. Our farmgate shop will be fully stocked on these days though. Please visit us at 360 McNicol Rd, Clevedon from 8am.
Celery Juice

Celery Juice

Celery Juice has become more and more popular particularly with the publication of Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide by Anthony William.

Our Celery Value Box (buy 10 and get the 11th free) has become one of our best selling boxes for delivery each week.  Our celery is pesticide and herbicide spray free.  We have plenty growing at the moment so now is a great time to try it for yourself.


Tip: we add a squeeze of lemon juice to our celery juice when we make it at the farm.